Call for Workshop Presenters

2018—19 LEAD Conferences

Please note: Presenters under the age of 13 may not submit their own application. Please have your adviser/conference chaperone submit the application on your behalf. By initiating a submission below, you indicate that you are at least 13 years of age and able to submit your own application to the LEAD conference.

Workshop proposal submissions are now open for the 2018—19 LEAD Conferences. If you wish to submit your proposal for consideration at multiple conferences, you will have an opportunity to indicate this as part of the submission process. Please begin by selecting your preferred conference below:

Begin a submission to the following:

General Instructions for Workshop Submission Steps

  1. Conference Submission

    Your workshop proposal will be submitted to the conference you pick above. You may also opt to submit it to other LEAD Conferences on the first step of the submission process.

  2. Workshop Info

    All presenters are required to submit the following:

    • Workshop Title
    • Submitter Email — so that we can send an initial notification, and remind you to complete your submission if you haven't yet added a presenter
    • Presenter Type — Student, Adviser, or Non-Adviser Adult
    • Presentation Method — Activity-based/Interactive, Lecture, or Blended
    • Audience Size — Large, Small, or Either
    • Audience Level — High School, Middle Level, or both
    • Student Programs — Honor Society, Student Council, or both
    • Appropriate Audiences — Students, Advisers, or both
    • Workshop Summary — Summarize your workshop, highlighting any special qualities that makes it a "must have" at the LEAD Conference and include how you plan to present the material to your audience (small group discussion, role-play, video, activity, etc.). Summary may not exceed 100 words.
    • Workshop Goals — What will the audience take away from your workshop? Goals may not exceed 250 words.
    • Description for Program — A two-sentence "advertisement" that will entice delegates to attend your workshop. This will be used in the conference program. Sentences should be catchy, but also clearly identify what the workshop is about and what attendees will learn from your session. May not exceed 50 words.
    • Will you use an LCD projector for your presentation?
    • Optional: if you plan to use video from a public site, you can provide the URL (link) to the video.

  3. Select Topic

    Choose the one topic most closely related to your submission. Available topics are:

    • Chapter/Council Operations — Organization, Constitutions/Bylaws, Team Building, Meeting Management, Officer Training, Fundraising
    • College and Career Readiness — Personal Essays, Interviews, Admissions, Personal Branding
    • School Climate — All School Events, Spirit Weeks, Character, Ethics, Anti-Bullying, Global Citizenship
    • School Culture — Community Service, Recognition, Charitable Fundraising
    • Student Voice — RSVP, Forums, Elections, Officer Training

  4. Add People

    All workshops must have one and only one presenter. You may also add up to three optional co-presenters. Student workshops must also include an adviser and a principal. Both your adviser and principal will be notified of your proposal submission.

    The following information will be collected (optional unless specified):

    • First Name — Required for everyone
    • Middle Intitial
    • Last Name — Required for everyone
    • Suffix — PhD, M.Ed, etc.
    • Position/Job Title
    • Grade Level — 8th through 12th, Adviser, or Other Adult; required for everyone
    • Email Address — required for everyone
    • Presentation Experience — List up to three other organizations you have presented for, and the years of these presentations; required for presenters only
    • Speaker Bio — To be used for the conference program.
    • Social Media Accounts & Links — Twitter and Website URL; these are optional, and will display in the conference app
    • School/Organization name — required for everyone
    • Street Address
    • City
    • State/Province
    • Country
    • Zip/Postal Code
    • School/Organization Phone Number
    • School/Organization Website URL

  5. Upload Handouts

    Optional: You may upload up to two handouts as part of your workshop proposal.

  6. Confirmation

    The last step of workshop submission involves reviewing what you have entered and pressing "Confirm and Submit" to receive a confirmation email message.