The 2025 NHS & NASC Conference

Call for Session Presenters

IMPORTANT: Student Presenters under the age of 13 may not submit their own application. Advisers must submit the session application on their behalf. By initiating a submission below, you acknowledge that you are at least 13 years of age and eligible to submit your own application to the NASC/NJHS/NHS Conference.


  • Ensure your proposal is written to reflect your intended audience.
  • Proofread your submission.
  • Avoid sloppy formatting.
  • Adhere to standard grammatical conventions.
  • Proposals should be written in third person format avoiding the use of “I”, “you” and “we.”
  • The name of the presenter(s) or an institution should not be included in the body of the proposal.
  • Accepted proposals will be posted in the online program schedule and listed in the conference mobile app as submitted; however, NASSP reserves the right to edit when necessary.


  • All session rooms are provided with standard A/V equipment consisting of: projector, screen, head table, and one microphone.
  • Any additional tools needed for the presentation will be at the expense of the presenter. The NASC/NJHS/NHS Conference is unable to provide lecterns, additional tables, post-it notes, index cards, or paper handouts.


NASSP strives to create a diverse and inclusive culture throughout the conference experience and expects conference presenters to reflect that culture by:

  • Using inclusive and respectful language in session descriptions and throughout presentations.
  • Ensuring diversity is represented among co-presenters and in session content.
  • Utilizing accessible presentation tools and visuals that allow users to create presentations that adhere to Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines.

Accessible Presentation Resources:

Note to Applicants:

  • If you realize an error has been made after submitting your proposal, please email and provide your name, school name, and description of the needed corrections.
  • If a proposal is found to be incomplete or additional information is needed, the primary presenter will be notified by NASSP staff. If the presenter is a student, the adviser will also be notified.


  • There is no compensation for presenting a session.
  • The selling or promotion of books, materials, memberships and services is prohibited during session presentations.
  • Student presenters (grades 7-12) must be registered attendees to the conference.
  • Preference will be given to sessions designed to actively engage attendees.
  • Sessions are presented on the Saturday of each NASC/NHS/NJHS Conference.

Begin a submission to the following:

Session Proposals

Applications Due Friday, November 8, 2024

Instructions for Session Submission Steps

All presenters are required to include the following in their proposal submission:

  1. Session Info

    All presenters are required to submit the following:

    • Session Title
    • Submitter Email — This is required so that we can send an initial notification and remind you to complete your submission if you haven't yet added a presenter.
    • Presenter Type — Adviser or Non-Adviser Adult, or Student
    • Presentation Method — Activity-Based/Interactive or Blended (Lecture/Interactive)
    • Audience Level — High School, Middle Level, or both
    • Student Programs — Honor Society, Student Council, or both
    • Appropriate Audiences — Students, Advisers, or both
    • Have you presented this session before for a conference? — Yes/No
    • Session Summary & Goals — In 250 words or less, answer four questions to summarize your session, highlight any special qualities that make it a "must have" at the NASC/NHS/NJHS Conference and include how you plan to present the material to your audience (small group discussion, video, activity, etc.) and your desired outcomes for your session.
    • Description for Program — Submit up to a 200 word "advertisement-style" description of your session that will entice delegates to attend. This will appear in the conference app and on the webpage. The description should be catchy but still clearly identify the session’s main focus. The most successful session descriptions incorporate a hook, topic sentence, supporting statements, and two or three measurable learning outcomes for participants. Please note that your description may be edited for length, clarity, and style.
    • Intellectual Property — I verify that the content of my session is my personal intellectual property and indemnify NASSP on the chance copyright infringement is claimed against my session or the like.
    • Optional: Image Use — I grant permission for NASSP to publish images of my presentation/session in its publications and on social media.

  2. Select Topic

    Choose the Category (in Bold) that is most closely related to your proposed session. Examples of session topics related to each category are listed below.

    Leadership / Character

    Cultivating a dynamic problem-solver and innovative thinker, equipped to tackle tomorrow's challenges while driving positive change today. Focus is on nurturing individuals who uphold the highest principles of morality and ethics, demonstrating cooperation, courtesy, and respect for others. Value and build diverse cultures and relationships, fostering a deep love for oneself and a genuine concern for the well-being of others.

    Student Voice / Service

    Making voluntary contributions to the school or community while amplifying student voices to drive meaningful change.


    Pursuing excellence through lifelong learning and growth.

    Citizenship / Engagement

    Encouraging active participation in the community and fostering a deep sense of responsibility and engagement in civic life.

  3. Add People

    Every proposal must have only one (1) person who is designated as the primary presenter on the application. No more than two additional people may be included as co-presenters. Student proposals require the inclusion of both an adviser and a principal's name and information. The adviser and principal will be automatically notified when a student proposal is submitted. session proposals submitted by advisers require the inclusion of their principal’s name and information. Principals receive automatic notification whenever an adviser’s proposal is submitted.

    The following information will be requested and is optional unless indicated as ‘Required’:

    • First Name — Required for everyone
    • Last Name — Required for everyone
    • Position/Job Title — Required for advisers and other adults
    • Grade Level — 6th through 12th, adviser, or other adult; Required for everyone
    • Email Address — Required for everyone
    • School Type — Urban, Suburban, or Rural
    • Primary presenter home/cell phone number
    • Presentation Experience — List up to two other organizations you have presented for, and the years of these presentations; Required for presenters only
    • Speaker Bio — Shared in conference program
    • School/Organization name — Required for everyone
    • Street Address
    • City
    • State/Province
    • Country
    • Zip/Postal Code
    • How do you identify? — Check boxes: race/ethnicity/gender
    • Personal Photo — A high resolution head shot photo (300 dpi), portrait (vertical) style in jpg or png format for presenters and co-presenters

  4. Upload Handouts

    Optional: You may upload up to two handouts as part of your session proposal.

  5. Confirmation

    The last step of session submission involves reviewing what you have entered and pressing "Confirm and Submit" to receive a confirmation email message.