Call for Session Presenters

2018 National Principals Conference

IMPORTANT! Before attempting to submit a proposal submission, collect all the required information for each presenter referenced in the "Instructions for Session Submission Steps". For your reference, you may download these instructions as a PDF.

New Submissions Closed.

  • Proposals must be submitted electronically no later than Monday, November 13, 2017, at 11:59 p.m. (Pacific Time).
  • Presenters must commit to maintain an educational focus for their session and to eliminate all sales messages or presentations. Sessions that incorporate a sales theme and/or receive low ratings will not be selected for future conference programs.
  • The National Principals Conference screening committee will make selections based on audience and content needs that reflect a diverse demographic. The submission of a concurrent session proposal does not guarantee inclusion in the National Principals Conference program. Factors for acceptance include the degree to which the proposal aligns with the three focus strands; the depth of content; and its application to the K–12 continuum. The three focus strands are:
    • Leading Learning
      • Improving You
      • Growing Others
      • Working Together
      • Achieving Outcomes
    • Building Culture
      • Creating Community
      • Driving Equity
      • Influencing Well-Being
      • Sharing Your Story
    • Designing the Future
      • Launching Innovation
      • Evolving Your Practices
      • Advancing Teaching
      • Transforming Learning

  • Sessions will run for 60 minutes and will be scheduled throughout the National Principals Conference, which begins on Wednesday, July 11, 2018, and continues through Friday, July 13, 2018.
  • Up to three presenters may be listed for each session proposal. Do not list presenters without a definite commitment that the co-presenter(s) will appear during the program. All presenters must agree to the terms and conditions for participation.
  • The primary person submitting each proposal will serve as the point of contact for the National Principals Conference. This person will be responsible for all related presentation specifications and for informing the presenter(s) of the status of the proposal, deadlines, and registration fees.
  • The National Principals Conference session presenters receive no speaker fee and must pay their own travel expenses including hotel, airfare, and ground transportation. If your session is selected, all presenters must pay a speaker registration fee of $195 no later than May 8, 2018. This fee covers the National Principals Conference indirect expenses related to the session room. In exchange, presenters benefit through their exposure to a national audience of school leaders.
  • By submitting a concurrent session proposal, you agree that the National Principals Conference or a representative of the conference has your permission to use all images, presentations, materials, and/or handouts you have submitted without restriction in any means of communication. Conference staff will provide presenters with tips for developing top-notch presentations and a standard PowerPoint slide template. The National Principals Conference presenters must agree to allow minor editing of their presentations if requested.

Instructions for Session Submission Steps

  1. Session Info

    All presenters are required to submit the following:

    • Session title
    • Submitter email — so that we can send an initial notification and remind you to complete your submission if you haven't yet added a presenter.
    • Content level — elementary school, middle school, high school, or K through 12
    • Summary of session — may not exceed 50 words.
    • Planned outcomes of the session — explanation of why the session is important to principals. What are the key learning objectives? What will principals know/be able to do when they complete the session? Why is it essential? How will the session make the attendee’s job easier/more efficient/more effective? May not exceed 150 words.
    • Learning objectives and action plan for delivery — outlines the objectives for the session and the presenter’s activities for delivering the information to participants. May not exceed 250 words.
    • List of takeaways and/or best practice ideas for those who attend — may not exceed 150 words.
    • How well does the proposal format reflect the needs of adult learners? — may not exceed 150 words.
    • Strand — Leading Learning, Building Culture, or Designing the Future
    • Sub-Strand — choose from four possible sub-strands. See instructions above for the full list.

  2. Add People

    All sessions must have one and only one presenter. You may also add up to two optional co-presenters.

    The following information will be collected (optional unless specified):

    • First Name — required for everyone
    • Middle Initial
    • Last Name — required for everyone
    • Suffix — PhD, MEd, etc.
    • Position/Job Title
    • Email Address — required for everyone
    • Speaker Bio — to be used for the conference program; required for everyone.
    • Affiliation/Organization Name — required for everyone
    • Street Address
    • City
    • State/Province
    • Country
    • Zip/Postal Code
    • Personal Photo — a high resolution photo (4MB) of yourself (in jpg or png format) and any co-presenters; required for everyone

  3. Terms and Conditions

    You must indicate that the presenter and any co-presenters agree to all of the terms and conditions in order to submit your proposal.

  4. Confirmation

    The last step of session submission involves reviewing what you have entered and pressing "Confirm and Submit" to receive a confirmation email message.